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John Wayne Impersonator 

& Talk Show Host

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the book
"In the Shadow of The Duke" 

by Jeffrey "Wayne" Sutherland
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Man's Silhouette
Living in the Shadow of The Duke
Cowboy and Wild Horses
Sactamento Bee
Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland
John Wayne Impersonator | Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland
American Flag
John Wayne Impersonator



Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland has announced this will be his 25th season on local Television as a Host and Producer.   


Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland began his long career in 1994 on SJRV-26 on Cable in Stockton California Television. From then on, he has quite an impressive legacy. 


KAZV-14 Television on the News in Modesto, CA, 5 years.

KBSV-TV 15 Ceres, CA 12 years.

KEJC-93.9 FM Radio  Ceres, CA, 10 years.


Jeffrey has been named as a standout achiever with over 4000 fantastic interviews to his credit. He has served as a news anchor, Hollywood reporter and has acted in over 12 movies.


Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland is a well known celebrity impersonator and actor in over 2000 live stage shows.


Mr. Sutherland plans to write a book about his television interviews with the numerous movie stars, television and sports stars he has met over the years.  


Jeffrey is currently available, not only for acting engagements, but also for inspirational speaking events. 

Filming in a Studio

Meet the stars

Whether it's a television appearance or a radio show, you can best bet Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland, television celebrity host, knows somebody. Throughout his career in the entertainment business, this man has accomplished an impressive legacy.  Take a look at a few of his guests!

John Wayne Impersonator


Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland is the best John Wayne impersonator you'll find.  His impersonation of Wayne is so spot on you might mistake him for Wayne himself.  Call now to book Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland for your next event!

Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland interviews

Emmy Award winning and best selling author


Ronald J. Fields

Ronald J. Fields guest star KBSV-15

Join Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland with Emmy award winning author Ronald J. Fields as they talk about Ronald's famous Grandfather W.C. Fields.

Jeffrey Wayne Suthernad & Charley & Humphrey

Charley & Humphrey

"You're gonna need

      lots of glue!"...

KNTV Channel 2's famous side kicks "Charly and Humprey" starred in the children's television show...

"The Charley and Humphrey Show" from 1972-1976. Listen to the madcap interview captured by Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland and step back in time to reminisce about a childrens era gone by.

Dennis Lancaster & Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland

Dennis Lancaster

Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland

Celebrity Impersonators

William "Bud" Abbott and Lou Costello were an American comedy duo whose work in vaudeville and on stage, radio, film and television made them the most popular comedy team during the 1940s and early 1950s.


Take a hilarious walk down memory lane with these two comedy favorites!

Jon Voight interview

Jon Voight

• Midnight Cowboy

• Mission Impossible

• Ray Donovan

Read about this fascinating interview with one of Hollywood's finest actors!


John Wayne Impersonator
John Wayne Impersonator
John Wayne Impersonator Jeff Sutherland

Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland

Celebrity Impersonator

John Wayne ranked as an American icon and one of the top box office attractions in the cinema.


Wayne's output of films consisted largely of Westerns but he also ventured into other genres as well, including several films dealing with the Second World War.


Jeffrey Wayne Sutherland is a master historian and is available for special John Wayne Celebrity Impersonator speaking engagements.


Imagine your guest's delight when they enjoy conversation and drinks with "Duke".

Blue Skies
John Wayne Impersonator

Once on a monthly Monday Night see the
"Monday Night  Special" on KBSV-15 

Tune in to KBSV - 15 Once  on a monthly Monday night to see Jeff as he showcases some great movie classics and personalities.


Check or KBSV-15 page  for updates.

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